More Xpand


    Our digital marketing and search engine optimization services get your business in front of the customers who need your products and services. Online marketing strategies tailored to your needs

  • More Xpand Web Designs

    WordPress Web Development

    Expand more will deliver you an eye-catching website which make your online presence more appealing and will improve conversion rate.

  • More Xpand Web Designs

    Wix Web Development

    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

More Xpand Web Development is digital and creative team

More Xpand is a digital agency that provides you a platform where you can find any solution regarding web development, graphic designing and digital marketing.

We valued our clients and assure them to work with us again. We welcome our clients who want to step tread in the digital world. More Xpand does sterling work for their clients.

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Satisfied clients

Our Services

More Xpand offer professional Digital services at affordable rates to help your business attract more visitors and keep them on your site!

Web Development

Web development is the process of creating a website for internet or intranet hosting. Developing a website can range from simple text documents to complex internet applications such as electronic businesses and social networking.

Among other tasks, web development involves web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration. Developers of websites are also called web developers, while any individual who maintains a website is called a web developer.

Web Development
Graphic Designing

Graphics Design

In graphic design, typography, photography, iconography, and illustration are used to communicate and solve problems visually. Visual communication and communication design are subsets of the field.

Professionals in graphic design communicate visually.It is the designers’ responsibility to use typography and pictures to maximize the user’s experience by applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques to meet the user’s specific needs.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the process of making and improving your site’s visibility for relevant searches. Increasing a web page’s visibility in search engines in order to increase the quality and quantity of website traffic.

SEO (search engine optimization) refers to the process of getting targeted traffic to a website from the organic search results of a search engine. Content creation, optimization of content around specific keywords, and link building are all common tasks associated with SEO.

Digital marketing

Digital Marketing

In digital marketing, products and services are sold and customers are attracted through the use of the internet, mobile phones, tablets, social media, web applications, email, search engines, and other digital media. Internet marketing, electronic marketing, and online marketing are all examples of digital marketing. 

Digital marketing allows you to sell your services online without standing behind a counter or in a shop. Working from home is possible. The hassle of traveling around malls and markets is gone. You can advertise online and deal digitally with customers to sell your product.


Whats our clients says!
James Anderson

Definitely the best one I've ever used. If you need help with WordPress, this is the place to come.

Maria Garcia

The work is of excellent quality and he is very friendly to work with. I highly recommend him!

Sarah Johnson

It was a pleasure dealing with him and he was extremely patient with me as usual. He would be a good recommendation for others.

David Smith

My favorite so far. You are in the right place if you are looking for help with WordPress.

Chen Wei

I am very happy with the quality of the work and the friendliness of the person I work with. He is highly recommended!

Alisha Patel

I always enjoy dealing with him, and he is extremely patient with me. I would recommend him to others.

Carlos Hernandez

As of now, my favorite. In case you're looking for WordPress help, you've come to the right place.

Fatima Al-Khalidi

In addition to the quality of the work, I am very pleased with the friendliness of the person I work with. Definitely recommend him!

Anna Kowalski

He is extremely patient with me, and I always enjoy dealing with him. His services are recommended by me.

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